B2B Technology, Healthcare, and Travel Content Writer & Strategist

Hospitality Technology Content Marketing Writer

Freelance Hospitality Technology Content Marketing WriterI am a hospitality technology content marketing writer and have written for Skift, Gourmet Marketing, SHR, KEYPR, NOR1, Cintas, Sensibo, Hospitality Technology magazine, Hawaii Hospitality magazine, and others.

Please let me know if I can help you with B2B or B2C content such as articles, blog posts, reports, case studies, ebooks, or white papers.

Case Study: Hotel Zamora – SHR

Today’s PMS Systems and Our Dreams for the Future – SHR

The Art and Science of Comparing Hotel Financial Reporting Systems – SHR

WeChat Mini-Programs: What Hotels Need to Know to Drive Chinese Bookings – Skiftx

Soft Brands: Weighing the Risks, Rewards, and Realities – Skift

Why Your Hotel Needs In-Depth Market Segmentation – SHR

Why Your Hotel Should Be Using Metasearch – SHR

Frictionless Hotels Through Omni-Engagement – Hospitality Technology

Rooms of the Future – Hawaii Hospitality magazine